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Child Development Center

Facility Contact Info 707-765-7566


The purpose of Child Development Services programs is to assist Coast Guard personnel - military and civilian - in balancing the competing demands of family life and the accomplishment of the Coast Guard mission, and to improve the economic viability of the family unit (COMDTINST M1754.15). We are consistently striving for improvement and want to partner with parents.  We recognize you as your child's first teacher and have an "open door" policy for parents of enrolled children to visit at any time. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

We are accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).  What does this mean? NAEYC criteria lead to higher quality programs while recognizing that all children have individual learning styles, strengths, and needs. Accredited programs meet nationally recognized standards for high quality care and education. 


The CDC is open from 0645-1630, Monday through Friday, year-round.  We observe all Federal Holidays and are closed 6 additional days per year for staff in-service training.  

PHONE:  707-765-7566

FAX: 707-765-7093


The CDC is located aboard TRACEN Petaluma, in the housing area on Pennsylvania Ave. in the blue building. Look for our fenced-in play yard!


  • Infant Room: 6wks-12 months (Maximum of 8 with 2 teachers)

  • Pre-Toddler Room:  1 year olds (Maximum of 10 with 2 teachers)

  • Toddler: 2 year olds (Maximum of 14 with 2 teachers)

  • Preschool:  3 years until Kindergarten (Maximum of 19 with 2 teachers)


All CDC forms must be completed for each child and tuition paid prior to enrollment and updated annually or as needed.

  • The application packet is available from the Child Development Center.

  • A Health form (signed by a physician) with immunization records

  • Two recent LES/pay stubs for each parent

WAIT LIST: All waitlist requests must go through

Enrollment procedures: 

        1. When calling to be added to the waitlist, you will be directed to to complete the waitlist process.
        2. When you are offered a spot via, a $125 deposit must be paid within 3 business days. If you are offered a spot and do not want it at that time you can start paying your monthly rate to hold the spot, this will be charged from the day you accept the spot in Or you can choose to change your projected start date by 45 days.
        3. All documents have 7 days to be returned or we will move to the next person on the list.

Placement will not be held without a deposit.
        4. We recommend you have an orientation with room staff and administrative staff before starting care.
        5. Payments will begin no later than the 1st of the following month.
        6. All deposits will be deducted from your first months tuition.


Rates are based on TFI (total family income) of all members living in the household. TFI does not include alimony or child support, worker's compensation or unemployment benefits.  

​TFI includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Monthly base income

  2. Monthly BAH (offset for senior member only) regardless of living on/off base.

  3. Monthly BAS

  4. Monthly clothing allowance (STD)

  5. Any other adult income in the home. 


The CDC serves daily breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack and follows CACFP (Child Adult Care Food Program) guidelines.  There is no extra cost for meals.

This is a USDA Food Program: In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Petaluma Child Development Center and the USDA are equal opportunity providers.

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