Ticket, Lodging & Reservation Office (TLR)
Email: MWR@uscg.mil
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
Saturday & Sunday
1000 - 1630 (lunch 1300-1330)
The MWR Ticket, Lodging and Reservation office is located at The Hub. Our dedicated staff can help you with a variety of things including discounted tickets to area attractions, car rental information, local area brochures, DVDs for borrowing, and high-speed internet subscriptions, campground, RV and more! We offer free public access computers and Wi-Fi on the patio outside.
Did you know we have an online ticket store? Check it out here!
RV Storage

Interested in storing your RV with us? Contact us by phone at 707.765.7248 or by email at MWR@uscg.mil!
Patrons are required to adhere to the following:
Notify the TLR at least two weeks prior to permanently vacating the RV storage lot.
Ensure that all trash and other debris are removed from your assigned spot prior to check-out.
Park ONLY in your assigned spot.
To accommodate much needed facility improvements on base, the footprint of our library has shrunk and our children's library has closed. Our adult book selection has trimmed down to our most popular titles. We are keeping all of our DVD's and working on getting them into our online reservation system. We have also added 6 tablets for free patron checkout. As we transition, please keep in mind you have access to two amazing resources for media and books:
Find a list of our DVDs here:
For questions please email MWR@uscg.mil or call 707.765.7248.
US Navy General Library Program

Sonoma County Library